Thursday, August 2, 2012

Seasons of Life

Life does not unfold as we plan it, and it is a good thing not to know our future. The last few years I have put most of my life on hold as I helped my dad finish his journey. He passed away at 95 recently, and I have the comfort of knowing that I did all I could to serve him. There is still much to take care of and much I have neglected that needs attention. I am not a public blogger, but I do think it helps me to get my thoughts down so I can save them.

Most of my focus over the years has been centered on my need to control my weight. I do not think this is misplaced. If I had not stayed focused I am sure I would be in very poor health or at the very least I would be extremely obese. At this point in my life I am aiming for good nutrition, good health, and a functioning body. My goal is to lose about 10 lbs. and to establish some habits that will carry me through into my elder years.

For two years I have been eating grain and sugar free. I have learned that I do best by just not eating these foods except on rare, special occasions. After eliminating these foods, I discovered that my cravings have really subsided. If I overeat now, it will be from foods like cheese and nuts. I also am eating only healthy fats which are those that my great grandmother would have eaten. I am also eating only 2 or 3 meals a day without any snacking which I have already addressed in this blog. Lately I have added water kefir to my regimen and really enjoy it. My exercise goal is to develop a daily habit of at least 30 minutes of planned activity. Because of my foot injury I can't walk, but I can go to the gym and work on the elliptical and stair stepper as well as lift heavy.

I really do not know where I want to go with this blog, but as I get the diet and exercise established, I would like to move to other areas of my life and apply new truths. The diet has already led to recipe and cookbook collecting and a renewed interest in cooking. As I get my kitchen confidence up and the house in better order, one more goal is to be more hospitable to others. I would like to have my home in order before my husband retires and is at home more. Therefore, decluttering is another goal. I cannot be as structured as FlyLady, but I do try to work on some area each day.

For now I will use my blog to report on my progress and to save information I find elsewhere. This will be a learning tool.

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