Tuesday, April 26, 2011


I had great hopes for this reflective journal, but somewhere life got in the way. I went out of state to my dad's home to get it ready to rent. While stripping wallpaper, I fell off a short ladder and broke my heel. That was December 1 and I am still limping around and wearing a boot most of the time.

I have had to deal with home repairs, car repairs, elderly parents, and a child in the "launching" phase. And all of this I have had to handle away from home and without my husband's help. He has been a real trooper and very supportive, and I will say I now appreciate all the things he takes care of that make life run smoothly.

My dad's health is failing and my stepmom's dementia is a strain on my patience, but hopefully working with this has increased my patience. I haven't broken yet.

The good news is that the time away from the responsibilities in my real life has given me time to reflect on other matters. I have lost 40 lbs. since October and have gradually found a healthy way of eating after all these years. I have given up sugar, grains, and seed oils. The good news is that I don't miss any of those things. My weight loss has stalled out now and I would like to lose another 15 lbs. This may be hard since I cannot get much exercise with a broken foot. My goal for today is to try an Intermittent Fast....eat only between the hours of 2:00 and 6:00. If this works, I may try this on Tuesday and Thursday. I don't think I am ready for any longer fasts, but I am convinced that the body does need a rest from insulin production now and then. I am also going to attempt two meals a day on Saturday and Sunday.

Hopefully I can get the house finished, daughter can find a job, parents can be stabilized, and I can get back home by June!

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