Friday, February 1, 2013

Looking Forward

What truths have I learned about me the last year. It  seems I am still constantly watching the weight going up and down. I do believe I feel better when I eat no grains or sugar. I am experimenting with eating only two meals a day. It seems as I get older I just don't burn many calories. Of course, the fact that I really do not like to exercise may have something to do with this.

This year saw the passing of my father at nearly age 96 and his older sister at 102. There is no one left of that generation. Whatever I needed to ask them should have been done as it is too late now. I learned much from  them. They were all very typical of the Greatest Generation.

Now I am working on getting my house in order. It is time to get rid of all those things that I have held on to because I might need them some day. It is time to simplify my complicated life. Each day I have a goal of removing at least one sack or box of stuff from the house.

In January I began an alternate day eating variation of Up Day/Down Day. It seems to be working well. I have learned that I really do not need that many calories. I am losing weight if under 900 calories daily, maintaining at about 1000, and gaining at 1200! I guess I have slowed down as I have gotten older and also as a result of my injuries as well as retirement from work. Since I do not move quickly all day, I just don't need that much fuel. In January I started using the Hacker's Diet spreadsheet to record my daily weight and weight loss trend. That really helped since my weight varies so much from day to day. I lost about a pound a week and have about 5 lbs. to go to get back to my weight a year ago. Then there is that last 4 or 5 to get off.  I also have very unambitious, but doable exercise goals. I managed to get a minimum of 15 min. in each day last month. For February my goal is to average 20 min. a day. I have to be realistic about what I will actually accomplish.

Since this is pretty much a private blog, I will use it for awhile as a journal to record my thoughts and progress.

Nutrition Confusion

I have been reading and thinking for quite some time about diet and nutrition. The information on the web and in books is overwhelming, confusing, and contradictory to say the least.There are scientific studies with contrasting results and conclusions. There are individual testimonials that seem to come from honest folks...again conflicting with one another. And then there are the charlatans who prey on desperate people. What to believe about...
  • diet
  • exercise
  • supplements
  • medications
  • weight loss
  • weight maintenance
  • food allergies
Therefore, I am going to use the blog to address these areas and try to explain my belief in these areas.