Finally I am home after being out of state for nearly 6 months. There is much to do, but I first have to get physical therapy scheduled. Hopefully, I can get more flexibility and strength and quit hobbling around! Over the last few months I have moved from counting calories, to low carb dieting to ancestral or paleo nutrition. I am now believing that I should not be eating grains, sugar, seed oils, or legumes. I am also limiting dairy and fruit. My weight loss has stalled, but I think that is because I have been so inactive and at the same time I have upped my calorie intake Calories still count. For awhile, I am entering data into fitday to see what my percentages of proteins, carbs, and fats are. I am still looking at the Jaminet's Perfect Diet and adjusting supplements. We'll see.
There is much to do to get the house back in order. After cleaning out a lifetime accumulation from my dad, I want to start eliminating some of my excess now and simplify my life so that I can enjoy retirement. Why oh why do we accumulate so much stuff??